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Brown and Lashes tint Didier Lab ESTHÉTIQUE 1psc. – Light Brown


Eyelashes and eyebrows are essential for framing and contouring the face. Their size and shape play an important role in highlighting the features. Moreover, the color of the eyebrows can also have a big impact on how the face, and especially the eye area, look. There is an easy solution how to keep the effort to look naturally put together to a minimum. Tinted eyelashes and eyebrows not only look more expressive but are also a great way to save time in the daily makeup routine.


  • Perfekt definerte øyevipper og øyenbryn
  • Varer opptil 6 uker
  • 15 ml størrelse er tilstrekkelig for omtrent 30 påføringer

Farge nyanser:

Svart – for dype, mørke, fyldige og intense vipper og bryn.

Mørk brun – veldig mørk, med god dekning for et naturlig utseende.

Lys brun – flott for et naturlig utseende på blonde kunder.

Mengde: 15ml

1 in stock


Eyelashes and eyebrows are essential for framing and contouring the face. Their size and shape play an important role in highlighting the features. Moreover, the color of the eyebrows can also have a big impact on how the face, and especially the eye area, look. There is an easy solution how to keep the effort to look naturally put together to a minimum. Tinted eyelashes and eyebrows not only look more expressive but are also a great way to save time in the daily makeup routine.


  • Perfectly defined eyelashes and eyebrows
  • Last up to 6 weeks
  • 15 ml size is sufficient for approximately 30 applications

Color shades:

Black – for deep, dark, full, and intense lashes and brows.

Dark brown – very dark, with good coverage for a natural look.

Light brown – great for a natural look on blonde clients.

Quantity: 15ml


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